Monday, February 28, 2011

Purex Complete Crystals Softener

I am a Purex Insider and recently received a sample of the Purex Complete Crystals Softener.  I was eager to try these because they are so different than the traditional liquid fabric softeners we're all accustom to using.  Of course I never got the opportunity to try the sample I received.  Would you like to know why I never got to use the sample I received? I'll tell you why.  They somehow got dumped onto the floor.  The persons responsible for the dumped softener got off the hook *this* time, only because the vacuumed up crystals made my vacuum smell good!  I won't mention any names, they know who they are!  Ahem.  Thankfully the sample also came with a coupon for a free bottle.  Off to Walmart to get the crystals I was so looking forward to trying.  As it figured, my local Walmart didn't have them in stock yet.  A few days later I spotted them on the shelf but I didn't have my coupon with me.  Meh.  Finally.  FINALLY, I got the crystals and couldn't wait to get home to do a load of laundry.  When was the last time you were eager to do a load of laundry?  lol
I have the Lavender Blossom scent and I love it.  It's quite strong, though, so I'm finding that I prefer to use 1/2 of the recommended amount.  And to me that's not a bad thing - it means my crystals will last twice as long!  I am thrilled that since using the crystals I haven't gotten any of those unsightly oil spots on our clothes, like liquid fabrics softeners often leave behind.  I also love that with using the crystals there is no thick build up to clean out of the softener dispenser.  I was very interested to see how our towels would turn out after being washed with the crystals.  Specifically we have a few towels I stopped using because they just weren't absorbent anymore.  I wasn't aware the the oils in liquid softeners can be the cause of that.  So the end result was that our towels came out soft and absorbent!  And they smelled so fresh.  No more stinky towels!

Best of all, Purex Crystals are 92% Natural!!

Purex® Complete Crystals Softener FACT SHEET

Introducing Purex® Complete Crystals Softener*; a purer way to get laundry that  
smells clean and fresh for weeks. 92% natural, this product’s unique crystal form works differently than traditional oil-based softeners that coat fabrics with oily residue, because it infuses fibers with long-lasting fragrance. In addition, since you add it directly with your laundry, this means no more waiting for the rinse cycle, no messy residual gunk in your washing machine, and no more stains from spilling liquid fabric softener.

Why struggle with plastic fabric softener balls, risk staining your clothes or waste time 
waiting for the rinse cycle? Simply add Purex Complete Crystals Softener directly with your laundry at the beginning of every wash cycle to infuse fabrics with long lasting freshness.

Laundry scent lovers will perk up as freshness is infused into clothes with this new fabric
softener. Over time, traditional oil-based softeners coat fibers causing harmful oily residue to accumulate. Purex Complete Crystals Softeners penetrate fabrics to reduce fiber entanglement and smooth frayed fibers providing a naturally soft feel.

Do ALL of your laundry—worry free! Purex Complete Crystals Softeners are safe for all laundry and will not harm, wear down or discolor your fabrics like oil-based softeners. Safe for all fabrics, including baby clothes, athletic wear, towels, and whites. Unlike other softeners, Crystals WILL:

• Preserve the flame retardant benefits of your children’s clothes
• Retain your athletic wear’s wicking ability which draws sweat away from your body
• Maintain your towels’ built-in ability to absorb water
• Keep your white clothing from yellowing and graying vs. using traditional softeners
The product won’t harm your clothes and is safe and convenient for the entire family!

Purex Complete Crystals Softener is available in three on-trend fragrances:
Fresh Spring Waters
Lavender Blossom
Tropical Splash

Suggested Retail Price
Purex Complete Crystals Softener is priced from $3.99 to $5.99 depending on retailer and will be available in food, drug and mass retailers nationwide.

I am a Purex Insider and received samples to provide this review.  No other compensation was received.  All opinions expressed within are 100% my own.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mabel's Labels - $10 for $20 worth of labels **HOT**

I've used Mabel's Labels in the past and these things are da bomb! Especially with the summer and camp coming up - label those beach toys and camp towels, water bottles etc! Does your child have food allergies? Mabel's Labels has just the thing for you! Check it out - this is an AWESOME deal!

$10 for $20 Worth of Organizational Labels from Mabel’s Labels

5% of your purchase goes to the school of your choice.
Click Here to see complete details about this sweet deal from Mamapedia!

Mailbox Monday Blog Hop ~ Feb. 28, 2011

Welcome to Mailbox Monday!!  A blog hop to boost your subscriber count!

Here’s how to join in the fun:
  • Add your blog link to the linky
  • Subscribe by email to the two hostesses. They will return the favor.
  • Visit the other blogs on the list and subscribe by email to the ones that interest you. Leave them a comment with your blog link so they know you are subscribing from Mailbox Monday. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription!
Everyone is welcome to participate.  Each week a new linky will be generated so make sure you stop by on Monday’s to add your blog.

Your blog *must* have a place for people to e-mail subscribe.
We will be subscribing to everyone’s blog who participates.  If there isn’t an e-mail subscribe option, your link will be removed from the linky.

The Mailbox Monday Blog of the Week is Bootcamp for Lousy Housekeepers which takes the #3 spot on the linky. Next week, we will choose from this week’s participants for the Blog of the Week.

Help us spread the word about Mailbox Monday! Write a post for your blog and add the blog hop code.
Let’s have fun and meet (and read via email) some new blogs!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

get the InLinkz code

Redbox: 3 rentals for only $1.00! ***HOT***

Today Groupon is offering 3 Redbox movie rentals for only $1.00!!
This Groupon is only valid for DVD rentals and is not valid for video games or Blu-ray rentals.

We love renting from Redbox.  The price is right and it's never closed!  We've rented movies for the kids for long road trips and returned the movies at our destination in a different state!

Don't forget to check Groupon for daily local deals for you!
My Groupon purchased so far include:

AMC Movie Theater Tickets - $8.00 (50% off)
Barnes & Noble $20.00 Gift Certificate - $10.00 (50% off)
Redbox $3.00 in movie rentals - $1.00 (66.7% off)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Read My Feed Blog Hop

Coupons are Great
Read My Feed Weekends is hosted by This Mama Loves Her Bargains, Coupons are GREAT and The Thrifty Things!!

The goal of Read My Feed Weekends is to find some cool new blogs to follow. The blog's subscription link is in the linky below which is a quick resource to hop along quickly. A great benefit to bloggers is that your RSS feed subscription will increase! And we all know that we love our stats to go up, up, up! We would love if you shared this very simply blog hop with your blogging friends.

This week we're also adding a GUEST HOST for the hop, and will continue to add a guest host each week chosen by from the prior week's participants. This week A Mother's Ramblings is in the #4 spot!!

Please link up with your RSS link. Any non- RSS links will be deleted!! The link MAY look something like: Here is a helpful link if you do NOT already have an RSS subscribe option on your blog!!

Please do subscribe to each of the three hosts and the spotlight - and feel free to subscribe to one or all of the blogs listed in whatever reader you choose. All of the hosts will be following all participants who link directly to their RSS subscription. Its always nice to help a fellow blogger out!!

Please when you do subscribe to someone's feed, leave them a quick comment on a non-giveaway post and let them know, so they can return the favor!! Feel free to tell them how great you think their blog is, too, we all love a compliment now and then...

Friday, February 25, 2011

New Hasbro Games Coming ~ Fall 2011

While at the Hasbro Toy Fair Showroom Tour I got to see and sample some of the new and updated games that are due to be released in the Fall.  Below is a highlight of what we saw.

Here comes Monopoly like you've never seen before.  This new version of Monopoly pulls out all the stops and has all the bells and whistles!  Be gone days of counting money!  Monopoly goes paperless as each player gets their own money card!  That's right, it's all done electronically.  

Wait, what else is missing?  Dice!  No more dice to roll and mess up your perfectly sorted and stacked money.  No more dice to roll and knock your game piece or houses and hotels off the board.  So what will take the place of the missing dice?  The game pieces.  Confused?  LOL  All you'll have to do it pick up your game piece and give it a little shake.  The game will then speak to tell you how many places to move.  Even better, can't remember what space you were on?  The game will know if you moved the appropriate number of spaces.  

Ding Ding Ding - what was that?  It's off to the horse races!  If you want to take your chances, place your bet by inserting your money card into the game slot and give the race track game piece a flick.  The announcer will let you know if you won or lost.

And not to be outdone by Monopoly, there is also going to be Battleship LIVE!  I cannot wait for this one.  I've been saying for a few years that I wanted to get electronic Battleship but I never did.  Now I'm totally going to hold off for Battleship LIVE!  I was unable to get close enough to hear all the great details about the game like I was for Monopoly, but I was able to grab a quick snapshot.

Moving on, remember Scrabble Flash?  My son remembers all the commercials and can tell you how to play the game.  He's FIVE!  Well, get ready because here comes Simon Flash!  Who didn't love the Simon game when they were younger?  I remember the grown ups loving it every bit as much as the kids.  Simon Flash is sure to win the hearts of young and old all over again!

Speaking of Scrabble, where are all my Scrabble fans?  There's an all new Scrabble Cooking game on the way!  I love cooking (hate the clean up part) and I love Scrabble.  

But wait, there's MORE!  My son has asked me numerous times if he could play Scrabble with me because he sees me playing it online often.  (What can I say?  It's addicting!)  I am so very excited about this next brand new game, Scrabble Alphabet Soup.  Now I can play an age appropriate Scrabble game with my kids - they are going to LOVE it!  Using a soup ladle players scoop letters out of the bowl and match the tiles to the letters on the game cards.  What a great way to learn letter recognition and word building!

These are just a few of the games that I wanted to highlight tonight.  This post will be continued with even more games and TOYS this weekend.  There will be something for everyone!

Bambi Diamond Edition - $10 Off Coupon

Disney Movie Rewards currently has a $10 off coupon for the Bambi Diamond Edition  Combo Pack!

Click the image above or click here.

Film Clip-That's Why They Call Me Thumper

Film Clip-Bambi Meets Faline

Film Clip- Bambi on Ice

I received a copy of Bambi for review.  No other compensation was received.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Good Friends Just Click - Blog Hop

Let's be friends, link, click, and connect! No rules!

Now just follow as many as you can on the link below and become friends- because you know, blog friends are some of the best friends you can have in life -just ask us! 

Leaving comments is a plus on your way to new friendships. Stumbles, Tweets, and FB Likes are a great way to show love too! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mailbox Monday Blog Hop ~ Feb. 21, 2011

Welcome to Mailbox Monday!!  A blog hop to boost your subscriber count!

Here’s how to join in the fun:
  • Add your blog link to the linky
  • Subscribe by email to the two hostesses. They will return the favor.
  • Visit the other blogs on the list and subscribe by email to the ones that interest you. Leave them a comment with your blog link so they know you are subscribing from Mailbox Monday. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription!
Everyone is welcome to participate.  Each week a new linky will be generated so make sure you stop by on Monday’s to add your blog.

Your blog *must* have a place for people to e-mail subscribe.
We will be subscribing to everyone’s blog who participates.  If there isn’t an e-mail subscribe option, your link will be removed from the linky.

The Mailbox Monday Blog of the Week is A Year with Mom and Dad which takes the #3 spot on the linky. Next week, we will choose from this week’s participants for the Blog of the Week.

Help us spread the word about Mailbox Monday! Write a post for your blog and add the blog hop code.
Let’s have fun and meet (and read via email) some new blogs!

FREE Redbox Rental!

Go to Redbox on Facebook and like their page.  You will receive a unique code for a FREE rental valid on 2/24/2011.

Saturday, February 19, 2011 - FREE Custom Chore & Behavior Charts

This morning while looking a Networked Blogged posts I came across a post from Thrifty Jinxy about  I immediately clicked over to because we've been battling some less than ideal behavior from our 5yr old lately.  I've gotten nice charts in the past and during his fits he destroys them.  There is a really nice magnetic one from Melissa and Doug that I love - but the kids rearrange the magnets.

Anyway.  I loved what has to offer so much I had to share with you, my readers!  You can customize your charts, print them AND use the charts electronically online!  There is a piggy bank so if you choose to do rewards it tracks the reward values and how much is spent etc.

It's really  a great concept.  Best of all, it's FREE!  Not to mention there are charts/lists available for mommies and daddies, too!

I was NOT compensated for this post.  I posted it because I thought it was worth sharing.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hasbro Toy Fair

On Saturday, February 12, 2011, I had the pleasure of attending the Hasbro Toy Fair in New York City.  This was my first big toy event to attend as a blogger and I was happy to have my best friend, my husband, accompany me.  We sent the kids to their grandparents houses for sleepovers while we got a last minute *adult only* day trip to the big apple!

We took a NJ Transit train from Trenton into Penn Station.  A short cab ride later we were at the Times Building where Hasbro had a nice breakfast spread ready and Sesame Street music playing for our listening pleasure.  I met so many people while waiting for the presentation to begin.  It was a lot of fun meeting bloggers that I've talked to online but had never met in person.  I want to give a shout out to my new friend at Have Sippy Will Travel.  HOLLA!  Samantha is a trip and a lot of fun!  We even had a visit from our furry Sesame Street friends, Elmo and Cookie Monster!

So we went into the theater for a presentation.  Having never been to one of these events I wasn't quite sure what to expect and was pleasantly surprised with an entertaining little show!  We were greeted by Brian Goldner, President and CEO of Hasbro, who introduced Gary Knell, President and CEO of Sesame Workshop.

Together, with the help of Elmo and Cookie Monster, they announced that the two companies will partner up for ten years.  That's some great news!  I have to say, I never knew Elmo and Cookie Monster could be quite so entertaining for adults but they totally pulled it off!

Next we were spoiled with a tour of the Hasbro toy showroom.  Walking into the showroom was nothing short of amazing.  There are so many new and updated toys coming out in fall 2011.  We even got a sneak peak at some TOP SECRET toys!

For the sake of keeping this post from being a mile long, I've decided to feature the toys in a post all their own.  This is one post you won't want to miss!  Get ready to take notes and start making Christmas lists for 2011.

I also want to send out a huge THANK YOU to Hunter PR for inviting me to this event!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Learn how to draw Bambi & Thumper

Have your kids ever asked you to draw a character and you haven't a clue how?  The most recent request I got was to draw one of those little green pigs from Angry Birds.  My pig looked like a pig cross-bred with a cat.  Aye.  Then my 5yr old son drew one himself and made sure to tell me that his looked way better than mine LOL

Bambi is being released on Blu-ray & DVD on March 1st.  In celebration of this release, Disney Animator Andreas Deja will teach you how to draw Bambi and Thumper!  Follow the step by step slides below and surprise your kids with your new found artistic ability!  Or share the slides with your kids and learn to draw together!

Have fun with this!  I would absolutely love for any of my readers to scan in their drawing and share it!  If you'd like your drawing posted you can e-mail me @ Darwinsfrg AT hotmail DOT com.

How to Draw Bambi

How to Draw Thumper

Draw Thumper!

I received a copy of Bambi on Blu-ray & DVD.  No other compensation was received.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good Friends Just Click - a NEW GFC Blog Hop

Let's be friends, link, click, and connect! No rules!

Now just follow as many as you can on the link below and become friends- because you know, blog friends are some of the best friends you can have in life -just ask us!   Leaving comments is a plus on your way to new friendships. Stumbles, Tweets, and FB Likes are a great way to show love too! 

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you around soon-(like every Tuesday!)
Queen B,  Dealicious Mom, A Mom's Take & Mom to Bed by 8  and Guest Host MI Savings!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bambi Presents Romance

Walt Disney’s BAMBI Diamond Edition
Releases From The Disney Vault on March 1, 2011 Burbank, Calif., December, 2010 – The Walt Disney Studios proudly announces the addition of BAMBI to its coveted, cutting-edge Blu-ray™ Diamond Collection line-up of Disney’s greatest animated-classics. Released from the Disney vault for a limited time only, BAMBI Diamond Edition features the loveable and adorable wide-eyed fawn and his forest friends in Blu-ray high-definition on March 1, 2011.

The Diamond Edition debut of BAMBI, Walt’s fifth full-length animated classic, is an endearing tale about a young prince of the forest who learns valuable life-lessons about friendship, love, and the miracle of life. The movie is a must-own coming-of-age story that Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment has especially packaged with families in mind - providing the ultimate, interactive hi-def home entertainment experience with a newly enhanced digital restoration, enhanced picture and sound, games, activities and more.

The new BAMBI Diamond Edition will be available as a 2-Disc Disney Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD) for the suggested retail price of $39.99 US/$46.99 Canada, a High Definition Movie Download for the suggested retail price of $19.99 US/$39.99 Canada, and/or a Standard Definition Movie Download for the suggested retail price of $14.99 US/$24.99 Canada. Those who wish to own the standard definition DVD version of BAMBI will need to wait seven additional weeks – until April 19, 2011.

Disney’s new “Second Screen” technology, which is being introduced for the very first time on the BAMBI Diamond Edition release, will further transform the at-home movie watching experience by empowering viewers with the ability to engage with film content on multiple media platforms and bring them to life in their own hands at the touch of a button. By simply downloading the new Disney Second Screen App onto an internet-connected computer or iPad™* and synching it to the movie, consumers will instantly be able to dive deeper into the film by engaging with fun interactive elements like animated flipbooks, galleries, photos, trivia and more. Disney’s Second Screen technology is not widely available in all territories.

Film Synopsis:
As morning light breaks across the meadow, a young deer named Bambi is born and hailed as ‘Prince of the Forest.’ Soon Bambi emerges from the thicket on wobbly legs, much to the delight of his new friends, Thumper, the playful rabbit, and Flower, the bashful yet lovable skunk. But the fun of nibbling on fresh blossoms and frolicking through the woods is only the beginning. Exploring his new world, and guided by the wisdom of Friend Owl, Bambi learns valuable life lessons with every adventure – experiencing the power of friendship, family, and love along the away.

The Making of the Film:
BAMBI was Walt Disney’s fifth animated full-length feature film which released in 1942 during World War II and took approximately five years in the making due to the exquisite artwork and attention to detail of each and every scene, character and figure. The artwork itself was created by some of the legendary “nine old men,” including Frank Thomas, Ollie Johnston, Marc Davis, Milt Kahl and Eric Larson and in order to achieve the film’s unprecedented level of realism, animators modeled anatomical studies using live animals (including a pair of fawns named Bambi and Faline) and imbued each with a uniquely endearing personality. Bambi’s delightful forest home received the same painstaking attention to detail, as background artists painted hundreds of landscapes based on extensive field research and nature photographs.
Walt Disney broke the longstanding animation tradition by casting child actors in the roles of Bambi’s young animals, including Bobby Stewart as Baby Bambi, Donnie Dunagan as Young Bambi, Hardie Albright as Adolescent Bambi and Peter Behn as Young Thumper. The cast also includes Sam Edwards as Adult Thumper, John Sutherland as Adult Bambi, Paula Winslowe as Bambi’s Mother and Sterling Holloway (the voice of Winnie the Pooh and The Jungle Book’s Kaa, the snake) as Adult Flower.

Film Accolades:
BAMBI was nominated for three Academy Awards® for Best Song (“Love Is a Song,”), Best Sound Recording, and Best Music Score of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture. To date, BAMBI is No. 3 on the list of American Film Institute’s Top 10 Animated Films of All Times. And in 2004, the movie was commemorated with a first-class U.S. postage stamp and in the 1990’s the film inspired astronomers to name a pair of asteroids after the adorable characters – Thumper (April 20, 1993) and Bambi (October 17, 1995).

Bonus Features:
Backstage Disney:
• Inside Walt’s Story Meetings-Enhanced Edition - A fascinating, multi-tiered, interactive story-telling experience. Go back in time with dramatic voice re-enactments of the moments with Walt that led to the creation of this classic film.
• 2 Never Before Seen Deleted Scenes
• Deleted Song: “Twitterpated”
• Blu-ray Galleries—A collection of the extraordinary images originally created as part of the design process for BAMBI.

Family Play: Games & Activities:
• Disney’s Big Book of Knowledge: BAMBI Edition— An interactive educational gaming experience that uses the film as a learning tool. Players can customize their own Big Book of Knowledge and learn all about forest creatures, seasons and more! Each time a player completes a task, they are rewarded with new stickers to decorate their Big Book of Knowledge.

Digital Exclusive:
• The Golden Age

Classic DVD Bonus Features:
• The Making Of BAMBI: A Prince Is Born—A comprehensive look at the making of BAMBI covers the story, the characters, the actors, the art design, the music and the history of Walt Disney’s classic film using behind the scenes footage, production stills, animation, artwork and multiple interviews with performers and behind the scenes participants.
• Tricks of the Trade (excerpt)—In an episode from the 1957 Disneyland TV show, Walt narrates the story of the multiplane camera, an animation innovation crucial to the production of BAMBI.
• Inside the Disney Archives—Disney Supervising Animator Andreas Deja guides viewers through Disney’s Animation Research Library, where artwork from past Disney animated feature films is stored, including early story sketches of Bobo the rabbit,” (who became Thumper), glass paintings made for the multiplane camera and more.
• The Old Mill—Winner of the 1937 Academy Award® for Best Short Subject/Cartoon, The Old Mill was a testing ground for several techniques critical to Walt’s artistic vision for BAMBI, including the multiplane camera, animating realistic animals and experimenting with such natural occurrences such as wind, rain and lightning.
• DisneyPedia: Bambi’s Forest Friends

Disc Specifications:
Street Date
March 1, 2011
April 19, 2011
Direct Prebook
January 4, 2011
February 22, 2011
Distributor Prebook
January 18, 2011
March 8, 2011
Suggested Retail Price
2-Disc Blu-ray Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD) = $39.99 US/$46.99 Canada; High Definition Movie Download = $19.99 US/$39.99 Canada; Standard Definition Movie Download = $14.99 US/$34.99 Canada
2-Disc DVD = $29.99 US/$35.99 Canada
Feature Run Time
Feature Rated
FastPlay enabled
Aspect Ratio
7.1 DTS-HD High Resolution Audio,
5.1 Dolby Disney Enhanced Home Theater Mix (DEHT)
5.1 Dolby Disney Enhanced Home Theater Mix (DEHT) French and Spanish Language Tracks
English SDH, English ESL, French & Spanish
About Disney’s Blu-ray™ Diamond Collection:
Disney’s Blu-ray™ Diamond Collection represents The Walt Disney Studio’s most prestigious animated classics. The Collection will be comprised with many of Walt Disney’s most treasured animated classic titles to be released through 2016. These titles represent the highest level of picture and sound, feature groundbreaking, state-of-the-art immersive bonus content, and include unprecedented levels of interactivity, personalization and customization, made possible because of Blu-ray technology.

About The Walt Disney Studios:
For more than 85 years, The Walt Disney Studios has been the foundation on which The Walt Disney Company (DIS: NYSE) was built. Today, the Studio brings quality movies, music and stage plays to consumers throughout the world. Feature films are released under four banners: Walt Disney Pictures, which includes Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios, Disneynature, Touchstone Pictures and Marvel. Through the Home Entertainment division, innovative distribution methods provide access to creative content across multiple platforms. Original music and motion picture soundtracks are produced under Walt Disney Records and Hollywood Records, while Disney Theatrical Group produces and licenses live events, including Broadway theatrical productions, Disney on Ice and Disney LIVE! For more information, please visit

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie's Masquerade on DVD + $5 Coupon

On February 8th Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment will release Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie's Masquerade on DVD.

Disney Movie Rewards currently has a $5 off coupon for the Mickey Mote and DVD Play Set!


I've always been a fan of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  One of the few shows that I can let my kids watch and not worry about them picking up naughty words or behaviors.  If I had a complaint it would be that stinkin' Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Diggity Dog song getting stuck in my head!  But really, that's not a "complaint".  My daughter loved Minnie Mouse's dress in Minnie's Masquerade and of course my son's favorite part was using the Mickey Mote.  Speaking of the Mickey Mote, it's awesome!  So easy to program and excellent for my daughter as she perfects her fine motor skills.  I also like that they can interact with the DVD as opposed to just sitting staring into tv land.  I love the little life lessons that the show illustrates without being over the top.  Things like sharing and being a good friend are easily picked up on by the kids.

Honestly, I don't have a bad thing to say about Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD's.  They're upbeat, great bold colors, animation is top notch, entertaining...I could go on and on.

Just In Time For Valentine’s Day, Disney’s New Preschool DVD
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie's Masquerade

Debuts February 8th, 2011

BURBANK, Calif., January 10, 2011 – Parents and their preschoolers are invited to join in the ultimate masquerade party with Minnie, Mickey and pals in a fun-filled collection of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse latest episodes that celebrate themes of friendship, teamwork, sharing and problem solving. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie’s Masquerade is the perfect gift to dress-up your Valentine’s Day, available on Disney DVD February 8 from Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.

This latest release features four playful Minnie-themed adventures previously seen on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse TV show, a never-before-seen episode, and a free paper mask with festive embellishments that kids can personalize. And as a special option for consumers, Disney has packaged a version of the DVD to include the exclusive Mickey Mote – a child-friendly handheld remote control, shaped like Mickey ears, that takes children’s viewing experience to a whole new level of play. The DVD + Mickey Mote Play Set is the ultimate value for moms and equally fun and engaging for kids! The Mickey Mote uses infrared wireless technology and may not be compatible with all devices.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie’s Masquerade starring Disney’s Fab Five -- Minnie, Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Daisy – takes viewers on an all new adventure as they dress-up in their favorite costumes for Minnie’s Masquerade Ball. In this episode, Minnie needs some help getting everything ready for her party including making royal crowns for their costumes, searching for Sir Goofalot’s lost shoe, stringing up paper lanterns and much, much more. At the ball, Professor Von Drake hosts the great Clubhouse Costume Show and gives out prize ribbons to all the friends who have dressed up in some funny and fancy costumes. All it takes is a heaping helping of imagination…and the right Mouseketools.

About Disney’s Exclusive Mickey Mote:
Disney’s Mickey Mote works with any Disney Preschool DVD that includes the Discovery Mode™ feature – an interactive “Watch & Play” feature on the DVD. All parents have to do is program the remote control - there’s an easy and quick set-up guide in each DVD- and select the Discovery Mode feature on the menu screen. Within minutes, kids will be easily responding to questions, throughout the story, about scenes they just watched by pressing one of four color-coded buttons on the device -- a yellow star, green circle, orange triangle or blue square – to click in their responses. Discovery Mode features include two levels of play, which provides more challenging questions as the child grows.

The Mickey Mote can be used with any Disney Preschool DVD that includes the Discovery Mode feature. To date there are more than 11 titles that can be used with the remote control, just take a look at the back of the package to make sure.

STREET DATE: February 8, 2011
Direct Prebook: December 14, 2010
Distributor Prebook: December 28, 2010
Suggested Retail Price: Single Disc DVD + Mickey Mote = $29.99 U.S. / $35.99 Canada
Single Disc DVD = $19.99 U.S. / $24.99 Canada
Rated: TV-Y
*Bonus materials not rated
Run Time: Approximately 120 minutes
Aspect Ratio: Full screen (1:33:1)
Sound: Dolby Digital Sound
Languages: English, Spanish, French

About The Walt Disney Studios:
For more than 85 years, The Walt Disney Studios has been the foundation on which The Walt Disney Company (DIS: NYSE) was built. Today, the Studio brings quality movies, music and stage plays to consumers throughout the world. Feature films are released under four banners: Walt Disney Pictures, which includes Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios, Disneynature, Touchstone Pictures and Marvel. Through the Home Entertainment division, innovative distribution methods provide access to creative content across multiple platforms. Original music and motion picture soundtracks are produced under Walt Disney Records and Hollywood Records, while Disney Theatrical Group produces and licenses live events, including Broadway theatrical productions, Disney on Ice and Disney LIVE! For more information, please visit

I received a copy of the above mentioned DVD and Mickey Mote to facilitate this review.  No other compensation was received.  All opinions expressed within the review are 100% my own.

Misunderstanding - Chevy Cruze - Sunday's Game

Get ready for the Super Bowl commercials!  To me it's the best part!

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Friday, February 4, 2011

Cherry Cordial Cupcakes - Two Thumbs UP!

Photo by Melissa AKA Froggy

 The other day I posted the Cherry Cordial Cupcake recipe and I couldn't wait to give it a try!

My little helper and baker!

Pictured above is the cream cheese filling.  It is oh so YUMMY!

My two helpers - the baker and the janitor who handles 'clean up duty'.

Chocolate devils food cake mix with cherries!

1st a layer of cake mix, then filling.

After you put a tbsp of the filling in, you top with cake mix.  I decided to kick it up a notch and add extra chocolate chips on top.  The first batch I did not add the chocolate chips.  They're 100% fine without the extra chips but they did help give the cupcakes an added burst of chocolate :-)

Above are the cupcakes straight out of the oven.  Cherries and chocolate.  You can't go wrong!

My husband's review:  "These are the best cupcakes I've had in a long time."

So there you have it.  

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cherry Cordial Cupcakes - Mmmmmm!

Tired of the same ol' cupcakes piled high with sugary sweet icing?  I just discovered the recipe for these Cherry Cordial Cupcakes.  Don't they look insanely delicious!?  I have my daughter home from school today (sick girly) so I think we'll make these.  Should be fun and yum!


1  pkg. (8-oz.) cream cheese, softened
3  eggs, divided
1/2 cup sugar
1  (21-oz.) can Comstock® or Wilderness® More Fruit Cherry Fruit Filling, divided
2  Tbsp. coffee flavored liqueur
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1  pkg. (18.25-oz.) chocolate cake mix
1/3 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup water
  confectioners sugar


1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. In small bowl, beat cream cheese, 1 egg and sugar until smooth. Stir in 1/3 cup cherry fruit filling, liqueur and chocolate chips; chill.
3. In large mixing bowl, combine cake mix, 2 eggs, oil, water and 1 cup cherry fruit filling. Using electric mixer; blend on low speed for 30 seconds until moistened. Beat at medium speed for 2 minutes.
4. Fill paper-lined muffin cups 1/3 full. Top each with 1 Tablespoon of cream cheese mixture. Spoon remaining batter over cream cheese mixture, filling muffin cups 2/3 full.
5. Bake for 30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool and dust with confectioners sugar.

Makes 21 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes
Bake time: 30 minutes

Recipe from  I was not compensated for this post, I just thought the recipe looked yummy enough to share!