Wednesday, August 18, 2010

5 Lessons Every Kid Should Learn

Life is full of lessons that we learn along the way.  Here are 5 lessons that I think every kid should learn:
  1. Patience.  Everyone is in such a hurry these days.
  2. It's okay to ask for help.  
  3. Respect.  There is a major lack of respect in todays world.
  4. Self-pride.  I think kids should learn to work to make themselves proud before trying to make anyone else proud.
  5. Life is HARD.  There are all kinds of bumps in life and as long as you try hard and do your best, you'll be okay.
Of course I could write a whole list of things every kids should learn but these are 5 that I think are often forgotten.
I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Nanny McPhee Returns blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.


Mommy Minded said...

Hey Girl!

I am inviting my favorite blogs that host giveaways to link up to my "I heart Giveaways" weekend link up. It is up now for this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I hope that you will have a few minutes to link up your giveaways!

Have a great weekend!
Mommy Minded